o que fazemos
Para afetar positivamente os negócios dos nossos clientes e a vida das pessoas, criamos conceitos e experiências inovadoras através da combinação dos fatores fundamentais que constituem a nossa essência:
“Pensar Digital e Agir Real”.
Nosso time de profissionais é feito de gente questionadora, apaixonada pelo que faz, que respira digital e se inspira para surpreender.
E a nossa network de parceiros de diferentes competências nos permite oferecer soluções ambiciosas e impactantes.
Conheça nossos trabalhos e os resultados que eles trazem para os nossos clientes. A ED Interactive convida sua marca a entrar para esse novo mundo e fazer parte do dia a dia das pessoas de um jeito ainda mais verdadeiro e relevante.
- Campaigns & Advertising
- Mobile & Applications
- Relationship Marketing
- E-commerce
- Digital Presence
- Social Media
- Retail Experience
- Indoor Experience
- Research & Planning
- Online Media
- Analytics
- Copywriting
- User Experience Design
- Technology
- Production
Insights & Planning
The world is complex. There’s more to human behavior than meets the eye. Planners uncover cultural insights that create new opportunities and meaning for brands.
Research is the beginning and end of our process. We listen, learn, strategize, and then optimize. Our planners work closely with media and analytics to create impactful, integrated, measurable strategic platforms.
tit 2
2The world is complex. There’s more to human behavior than meets the eye. Planners uncover cultural insights that create new opportunities and meaning for brands.
Research is the beginning and end of our process. We listen, learn, strategize, and then optimize. Our planners work closely with media and analytics to create impactful, integrated, measurable strategic platforms.
tit 3
3The world is complex. There’s more to human behavior than meets the eye. Planners uncover cultural insights that create new opportunities and meaning for brands.
Research is the beginning and end of our process. We listen, learn, strategize, and then optimize. Our planners work closely with media and analytics to create impactful, integrated, measurable strategic platforms.
tit 4
4The world is complex. There’s more to human behavior than meets the eye. Planners uncover cultural insights that create new opportunities and meaning for brands.
Research is the beginning and end of our process. We listen, learn, strategize, and then optimize. Our planners work closely with media and analytics to create impactful, integrated, measurable strategic platforms.
tit 5
5The world is complex. There’s more to human behavior than meets the eye. Planners uncover cultural insights that create new opportunities and meaning for brands.
Research is the beginning and end of our process. We listen, learn, strategize, and then optimize. Our planners work closely with media and analytics to create impactful, integrated, measurable strategic platforms.
tit 6
6The world is complex. There’s more to human behavior than meets the eye. Planners uncover cultural insights that create new opportunities and meaning for brands.
Research is the beginning and end of our process. We listen, learn, strategize, and then optimize. Our planners work closely with media and analytics to create impactful, integrated, measurable strategic platforms.
tit 7
7The world is complex. There’s more to human behavior than meets the eye. Planners uncover cultural insights that create new opportunities and meaning for brands.
Research is the beginning and end of our process. We listen, learn, strategize, and then optimize. Our planners work closely with media and analytics to create impactful, integrated, measurable strategic platforms.